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10 May 2023

Annie W

Life is pretty hard still. Feel like I am always saying the same things but I suppose this is reality. Things sometimes just don’t get better or take a long time to.

One good thing is my husband got a new job which could lead to a bright future.

The children are a huge handful and I do try get them into childminders but with cost it’s hard too. Especially with my twins as I’ve been told I wouldn’t be helped by any staff if I was to go to a free play group (midwife/health visitor said this). Plus nowhere is designed for people with more than one child at a time. The amount of times I have to push pushchair on road is unbelievable due to cars taking up path, can’t get in some shops due to door size.


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Changing Realities (2023), Annie W. https://changingrealities.org/e/UeA2K (10 May 2023)
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