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Diary entries cover a variety of topics, some of which you may find triggering. These topics include self-harm, suicide and domestic violence.
17 Oct 2022

Gabbie S

In honour of #ChallengePovertyWeek in England & Wales, here's another poem I wrote:

People Of Worth

I felt productive today.

But the gnawing pain of Fenella,

My inner critic’s voice in my brain

Whispering guilt never quite goes away

Or dissipates.

Chronic illness is thought a drain.

The resultant disability affects my aim

Of being economically active again.

Yet I’m someone worthy of being helped

When, sometimes, I can barely help myself

Too overwhelmed.

As neurons, run ragged by disease

Fire up & stop me;

Feeling ill at ease,

They refuse my aching quest

To push though.

Spasticity calling all the shots, gleeful,

“Ha! Look at you!

You’re weak, you’re lame”

(Fenella’s voice, shrieking in disdain!)

“You’ll never regain

Your competence, your confidence

Your sense of wholeness

Ever again!”

Maybe not today, brain, but here’s the thing

You forget - I still have my voice.

I’ll shout, I’ll chant, I’ll sing

(Like no one's listening!)

“So what? I’m still here!

I’ve survived every flaming obstacle that has ever come my way

So far.”

I deserve dignity & respect

Just like the 14 million plus others, who

Like me

Found life turned upside down instantaneously.

You see, Fenella, dear

Adversity is the forge

Upon which my comrades & I

Will hammer out our truths to Power.

Upon their anvils of incredulity.

To those who fail to listen,

Do not mistakenly dismiss us contemptuously.


Our voices, like continuous bouts of tinnitus, will ring out

That we & our communities, are still worthy

Forever bound through hope, courage, love & unity.

Ignore us at your peril!


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Changing Realities (2023), Gabbie S. https://changingrealities.org/e/BW2nX (17 Oct 2022)
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